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Make Your Resolution Stick This Year With Marisa Peer Coaching You to...

Finally Look and Feel Exactly the Way You Want by Controlling Your

Body With Your Mind

(Even If You’ve Struggled With Disciplined Eating or Exercising Before)

Free Yourself From Unrealistic Body Standards, Be Comfortable In Your Own Skin and Treat Your Mind and Body With the Love and Care it Deserves Using A Combination of Hypnosis and Other Tools Developed By World Renowned Therapist and Author Marisa Peer

As Previously Seen On....

Why Your New Years Diet Won't Can't Work

Dear Reader,

Are you sitting down on January 1 to a fresh, clean slate only to write down the same goal that you wrote down last January?

“I want to lose XX pounds”

“I want to be a size X again”

“I want to feel confident again so that I can date without worrying about how I look”

“I want to be healthy for my family”

“I want to live as long as possible by treating my body right”

“I want to be able to eat my meals without counting every calorie as I put each bite in my mouth”

I bet you are, and it’s okay.

In fact, it’s more than okay - it’s normal.

Here’s the thing…

You know that our culture has become obsessed with body proportions, goal weights and sizes…there is a sea of “solutions”  or diets to help you reach your ideal body.

But there’s something that you probably don’t know.

Those diets won’t can’t work no matter how much you restrict your diet or exercise.

Every time you restrict calories, you reduce the likelihood of your diet working even more!

It sounds strange, but it's because your resting metabolic rate decreases every time you diet and it doesn’t go up again when you stop. 

When you regain and start to carry excess weight, your resting metabolic rate drops even further - creating an out of control loop.

Unfortunately, more dieting CAN'T fix this.

That's a difficult reality to be facing, which is why most people look for a quick fix or “magic pill”.

The good news is, there is something you can do…

…And it doesn’t involve a diet, harsh exercise, pills, patches, needles or starvation…

Stick with me for just a minute and I’ll explain…

But first…

Hear What Dietless Life Members Just Like You Have to Say...

Marisa Peer

Founder of Dietless Life

Who Am I?

My name is Marisa Peer, and for the past 30 years I’ve been fortunate enough to help people achieve their ideal body and transform their lives for the better. 

I started early in my career as a trainer with Jane Fonda and at Pineapple Dance Studios. Since then, my career has afforded me the incredible privilege to work extensively on television and radio, where I was sought out for my expertise and unique approach. 

I’ve been voted the most successful therapist on Supersize vs. Superskinny and Celebrity Fit Club UK and USA. I’ve gained a unique insight into what does and doesn't work in the dieting industry.

Now, I’ve used my 30+ years in the diet industry to create something revolutionary called the Dietless Life.

The Dietless Life

Dietless Life is based on my experience and knowledge of helping real women meet and sustain their ideal weight with ease without restrictive dieting or insane exercise routines…

My method of hypnosis will not only help you increase your metabolic rate, but  also improve digestion and change your taste buds, leaving you preferring healthy food all the time. 

The best part? It won’t feel like hard work or restrictive.

My unique method of hypnosis can increase your metabolic rate while changing your weight, shape, size, and relationship with food so that you can feel healthy and happy while looking how you want. Isn’t that what we all want after all?

Now, here’s the “something you can do about it” that I mentioned earlier…

I’m Inviting You to Join Me For Dietless Life LIVE

An 8 Week LIVE Online Experience

If you’ve been struggling with confidence, body image, weight gain, or stubborn body fat - I want to invite you to try something brand new that is unlike anything you’ve tried before.

The Dietless Life program is so exciting because it’s not a diet, because diets don't work…

In fact, diets have an almost 98% failure rate. 

This is different.

What I want to do is spend 8 weeks with you, coaching you on how to achieve your ideal body, but also so much more than that.

After all, your happiness is about more than just your weight or body shape.

Together, we’ll work to help you feel comfortable and confident in your body, no matter your size.

I’ll be teaching you to become healthy, and to live as long as you can because you’ve treated your body well…

I’ll help you end your addiction to dieting, and replace it with a healthy and sustainable relationship with food - so that you can eliminate the word diet from your vocabulary.

This online experience is 8 weeks long, with weekly calls being hosted online.

I’ll be on each and every week, and you’ll have the opportunity to raise your hand, ask questions and together we can make sure you’re on the path to success in your health journey.

Now, the Dietless Life LIVE classes are beginning on January 17, and registration is extremely limited. I expect the spaces to fill up quickly.

However, I’ve worked hard with my team to make sure this program is reasonably priced at $497 - and it’s a steal at that.

I’m hosting the weekly calls, plus I’ve provided so many materials to help you reach your goal more quickly and to sustain your results that it’s a no-brainer…

BUT…With it being close to the holidays - I’ve decided to give a VERY LIMITED TIME discount, so that you can reserve your space inside of the program for just $297!

That’s 40% off, which is the biggest discount I have, or will ever offer on this program. 

This 40% discount is going to expire January 8th or until spaces fill up so you absolutely need to register now.

Click the button below to join and effortlessly become the weight, shape, and size you want to be without punishing your body and feeling full of guilt, shame, and blame.

Here's What the Dietless Life Program Includes...

  • 8 life-changing Dietless Life™ coaching sessions with Marisa (a $499.00 value)

  • Bespoke weekly Dietless Life™ live group hypnosis sessions (a $299.00 value)

  • 8 impactful Dietless Life™ audio downloads (a $99.00 value)

  • Dietless Life™’s unique approach to increasing your Resting Metabolic Rate

  • Dietless Life™ exclusive access to Marisa’s new book, Dietless Life (a $39.00 value)

  • Dietless Life™ Personal Development Workbook, including robust tactics and strategies (a $29.00 value)

  • Dietless Life™ exclusive access to the private Facebook group 

  • Dietless Life™ accountability buddy to keep you on track (PRICELESS!)

  • Full Dietless Life™ support from our friendly team

 ​That’s a total value in excess of $6,000

Here’s What We’ll Cover In Each Weekly Module


Module One: It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What’s Eating You

We’ll dive into your past to uncover the real cause of your eating problems and body issues so that we can address them head on.


Module Two: It’s Not Your Fault

We’ll uncover why diets don’t work, and how your body's biology actually prevents you from dieting successfully so that you understand how your body works and how to control it. 


Module Three: The Rules of Your Overeating Mind

We’ll find out why your mind allows you or encourages you to overeat, so that you can regain control of what you eat and how often.


Module Four: Getting Personal - Your Triggers

You’ll understand the things that cause you to overeat, or eat unhealthy foods like stress, or trauma or any other number of reasons. This is individual to everyone and we’ll work through them together.


Module Five: Ladder of Looping Thoughts

I’ll show you my secret weapon to help you end looping thoughts so that you are in full control of your mind - and your body as a result.  


Module Six: How to End Your Cravings

I’ll help you identify what your cravings are, and how you can handle them so that when the program is done, you are still in control.


Module Seven: Hacks to Help You Maintain Your Ideal Weight

I’ll teach you some tricks of the trade that will protect all of the mindset work you’ll be doing without sacrificing the progress you’ve made on your body so that you have long lasting results.


Module Eight: Fat is Your Friend Starch is Your Enemy

I’ll break down for you how to decide what foods to eat and when to eat them. The goal isn’t to restrict your food intake, but to rebuild your relationship with food all together.


Module Nine: The Number One Reason Diets Fail

This one might be surprising, but it’s important to know why diets fail, so that you can avoid the common pitfalls and stay on track.


Module Ten: What Sabotages and Unravels You

Everyone faces setbacks and struggles along the way, so we’ll talk through them so that you are prepared for real life when the program ends.


Module Eleven: Rewrite and Edit Your Diet Story

Let’s move past all of the pieces of your past that have lead to your struggles with confidence, body image, weight - and rewrite the story so that you can truly impact your future.


Module Two: It’s Not Your Fault

We’ll end the program by covering all of the things you need to know to keep your results intact - so that you can live the Dietless Life Forever!

This program is the most profound rewiring program which will help you reclaim your body, your mind and your life.

Click the button below and register so that you can join me when we start the program on January 17, 2024.

Plus, When You Join Today - You’ll Also Get

The Dietless Life Goodie Bag

The 'Dietless Life' Goodie Bag contains a collection of bonus gifts such as audios, videos, therapy demos and talks that you can watch and listen to at your leisure during the course.

  • Dietless Life: Your Diet Recovery Blueprint (Full eBook) - $39

  • Perfect Weight Forever eBook - $39 

  • Dietless Life Cook and Swap eBook - $39

  • Dietless Life Q&A Factsheets

  • Strength Testing and the Yuck Box Demo

  • Stop Your Destructive Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Angry Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Ignorant Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Habitual Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Mood Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Addictive Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • NICER Meditations Explainer - $0/na

  • Guided Meditation - Reach A Healthy Weight & Adopt Empowering Eating Habits - $49

  • Reach A Healthy Weight & Adopt Empowering Eating Habits - $49

Plus so much more!

Join Today and Get Over $940 in Bonus Gifts!

The "Dietless Life" Is NOT A Diet!

I want to make sure you understand that if you’ve been struggling with your weight for years, it’s NOT your fault.

It’s not your fault that you find yourself unable to resist sugar, unable to resist food when it’s in front of you, unable to stick to healthy eating in times of stress and overwhelm, and unable to leave food on your plate.

Your body is designed to keep the weight on as a matter of survival! 

You are hardwired to always look for calorie-dense food and worry you won’t have enough from the moment you’re born.

Your primitive brain is scared of hunger because hundreds of years ago, it was the number one cause of death.

We’re wired to fear hunger and to feel panicky when we get that feeling of emptiness in our stomach, causing us to binge eat. 

So it’s genuinely NOT your fault when you go on a diet and end up eating or overeating something you were trying to avoid.

The good news is, this is all solvable using the Dietless Life live framework, and I’m inviting you to join me today!

The Dietless Life Resolves the Underlying Cause of Overeating

For years, the dieting industry has taken advantage of your biological desire to overeat. In fact, they profit from "body shaming" you and encourage you to engage in abusive behavior.  

This may look like promoting punishing workouts at the gym, encouraging you to cut out fat and certain food groups, restricting everything you eat by going on an unappetizing soup or shake diet, living on meal replacement bars and highly processed diet foods...knowing that these options won't can't work.

It may also look like encouraging you to use laxatives and appetite suppressants, being outed in front of a group at a weekly weigh-in event, or calling food good or bad, naughty or sins.  

I believe that you deserve a new approach to achieving your ideal body.

I believe the only way to have the body you love is to love the body you have. The first step is to treat your body with respect and care.

The techniques within Dietless Life come from a place of self respect and NOT abuse. This is how you generate lasting change, reach and then easily maintain your ideal weight.

This is something the diet industry has completely ignored for their own benefit.

You shouldn’t love or hate food. You shouldn’t call it good or bad, or have good days or bad.

You shouldn’t refer to food as "sins" or "naughty" like Weight Watchers often does, which creates a distorted, unhealthy relationship with food that Dietless Life has been created to overcome.

Click the button below and join me to live a Dietless Life!

See the Results of Those Already Living a Dietless Life

“Lost 2.5kg already without struggling…”

  • "I've been listening to the recordings for 25 days now and lost 2.5kg already without struggling. The most important thing is not the kilos but the huge difference in my behavior towards food, especially sugar and carbohydrates. Thank you so much, Marisa!"

- Rena

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

“I struggled with self-image, relationship with my body & food, and my weight for more than 25 years...”

  • "feels like I was always on a diet, I was basically on yoyo dieting most of my life. I was either hating diet food or hating feeling guilty for eating the food I love. No matter how much weight I lost, I don't see myself as pretty or slim and I would bury myself in shame & blame when I'm my higher weight.

My self-love was below zero...

I always put others first and care the most about what pleases them, putting myself last. I read self-development books and got through self-development and law of attraction programs for the last 10 years. They've improved me a lot but never fixed my issues completely, and the confusion about food and body was the same. I knew my problem was deep inside me but never found a proper way, book, or program to help me overcome it.

It took me listening to the audio, and one listening to the 3 Hypnos sessions to end my struggle with my body and food. 

In just one listening, I have had no craving at all for anything containing wheat or sugar. I never thought for a second that I would have cakes, in front of me and don't feel like having it at all, not even a bite. 

It was the hardest ever to visualize myself as slim and fit. But now I visualize myself thin and I feel it too. In a period of three weeks of the program, I'm seeing my body's changing in front of my eyes. 

No words are enough to thank you, Marisa; this is magical. 

My whole mindset about food and my body has been changed with no effort or struggle involved. To anyone interested in weight loss, healthy lifestyle and relationship with your body & food, save yourself a lot of time, struggle, pain, confusion, and effort.  Again thank you forever, Marisa. "

-Shereen Khader

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

It’s all possible using the...

"Ideal Weight Forever Framework™"

It’s true...

There’s a new and different way to achieve your ideal weight and keep it there for good.

It’s called the Ideal Weight Forever Framework™.

And it’s very different from the ordinary methods you’re likely familiar with because of how it automatically codes you for your ideal weight. 

You’ll see all the details and proof of how this works in just a moment.

What’s interesting is...

It does this by using a unique three-step process I developed called Coach, Code, and Care™. 

And what makes this far superior for getting you to your ideal weight and staying there is…

We address the real problem regarding weight loss, metabolism, and dieting.

And as you’ll see, it only takes 10 minutes a day, and this just might be the last time you ever have to worry about your weight again.

The best part is that it doesn’t require you to take pills, shakes, or spend a small fortune on outdated programs like Weight Watchers™ or Jenny Craig™.

And you can start seeing the benefits within a few days from now, regardless of what you’ve tried in the past.

So, if you want to achieve your ideal weight for good, please pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you, because…

The Ideal Weight Forever Framework™ can be a game-changer for you!

The Dietless Life is an Easy-to-Follow 3-Step process 

Coach, Code, Change

Step 1: COACH

In the program, I coach you on using unique strategies and techniques to reach and maintain your ideal weight.

Each week, I show you incredible, effective, and proven strategies that enable you to become and stay diet free and at a normal weight for you.

Step 2: CODE

Every thought you think is a blueprint that your mind and body work to make real.

In this program, you'll enjoy a powerful recorded live hypnosis every week where I will hypnotize you to eat differently and think differently.

The use of the hypnosis session recording can change your relationship with food, which will change your weight, shape, and size.

Listening to the hypnosis recording can raise your resting metabolic rate using something I created and have been using with great success for years, called ‘Command Therapy.’

Command Therapy can also improve your digestion and your preferences for food, so your appetite decreases, your weight shape and size decrease, while your metabolism and motivation both increase.

You also get to enjoy a one-off detailed hypnosis session recording where you imagine your stomach is small and shrunken so you are satisfied quickly and have no desire to overeat and prefer healthy food.

Each week, you’ll also receive a new hypnosis audio designed to support and code in the teaching.

You play your hypnotic audios at home to code in the changes that occur during the hypnosis sessions. Regularly playing your hypnotic audio is designed to wire in permanent change outside of the weekly session.

These changes occur within your subconscious mind (which will now believe that you prefer to eat less, you prefer healthy food, and you are always satisfied with less food).

Your appetite to reduce, and your metabolism to increase, this will happen. 

Step 3: CHANGE

I care deeply about helping you reach your ideal weight, that’s why I created this program to support you every step of the way. 

Enjoy your classes and your recorded live hypnosis sessions, then listen to your audios and let them rewire and recode your subconscious mind so you have a normal healthy relationship with food. 

You will start seeing your transformation happen quickly, first in your mind, then in your body. You can safely and naturally transform your habits and reach your ideal weight.

Feel confident knowing you’re on your way towards finally achieving your Dietless Life. Each day, you’ll move closer toward the NEW YOU! Finally, feel free from the need to diet and be failed by diets.

See More Dietless Life Live Results…

“Loving life for the first time in ages…”

  • "I've tried everything under the sun, from Paleo, Keto, Raw Food, Lemon Juice Diet, Intuitive Eating & Green Smoothie Diet to mention a few. I've been struggling with my weight for the past 10 years (I'm 46 now). After 25 days of Marisa's program and hypnotherapy, I can happily say I'm 12 pounds lighter, never hungry, feel like I'm eating sustainably, and just loving life for the first time in ages! I was very sceptical but I’m not now, its incredible”.

    -Kirsty Blatner

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

“Extraordinary! I am actually speechless…”

  • "Extraordinary! I am actually speechless. From the first hypnotherapy session, I knew this was for me. I couldn’t believe how much I found in my past that was holding me back and it was almost instantly removed. My clothes are already looser on me after just 3 weeks. At 55, I was desperate not to have food tainting this amazing decade and the decades to come. I can’t recommend this enough. Stop dieting, everyone! Freedom!"

    -Sally Warren

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

“Utterly amazed at how it works…”

  • "Utterly amazed at how it works. I hated going food shopping now. My subconscious has very well and truly kicked in, and the results are very good. I no longer crave sweet things, and I am making healthier choices. Thank you so much."

    -Rose Boylan

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Here’s a Reminder of Everything You Get When You Register Today

  • 8 life-changing Dietless Life™ coaching sessions with Marisa

  • Bespoke weekly Dietless Life™ live group hypnosis sessions

  • 8 impactful Dietless Life™ audio downloads

  • Dietless Life™’s unique approach to increasing your Resting Metabolic Rate

  • Dietless Life™ exclusive access to Marisa’s new book, Dietless Life

  • Dietless Life™ Personal Development Workbook, including robust tactics and strategies

  • Dietless Life™ exclusive access to the private Facebook group 

  • Dietless Life™ accountability buddy to keep you on track

  • Full Dietless Life™ support from our friendly team

Plus Your Dietless Life Goodie Bag (Valued at $940)

  • Dietless Life: Your Diet Recovery Blueprint (Full eBook) - $39

  • Perfect Weight Forever eBook - $39 

  • Dietless Life Cook and Swap eBook - $39

  • Dietless Life Q&A Factsheets

  • Strength Testing and the Yuck Box Demo

  • Stop Your Destructive Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Angry Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Ignorant Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Habitual Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Mood Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • Stop Your Addictive Overeating Hypnosis - $49

  • NICER Meditations Explainer - $0/na

  • Guided Meditation - Reach A Healthy Weight & Adopt Empowering Eating Habits - $49

  • Reach A Healthy Weight & Adopt Empowering Eating Habits - $49

Plus so much more!

Register Today Just $497 $297

Join The Dietless Life LIVE Risk Free!

I’m so confident I can help you, if you don’t feel like the Dietless Life live is for you, you have 14 days to get a no-questions asked full refund.

Simply let my team know within 14 days and I’ll happily refund your entire purchase and cancel your weekly sessions, no questions asked. You have absolutely NO-RISK.

Sign Up Today To Secure Your Place!

The Dietless Life program will work for you whether you want to release an extra 10Ibs, 30Ibs, or even over 100Ibs. 

By joining today, you’ll be on the FAST TRACK towards achieving your ideal weight.

When you become a Dietless Life member, you’re in good hands. And, you’ll have everything you need to help you succeed in the program.

You’ll feel reassured that you made the right decision to work with me. 

And know that...

  • YOUR relationship with food will change so that you can make better food choices for life

  • YOUR ​positive self-image will increase so that you can live with the confidence you deserve no matter your size

  • YOUR overall health will improve so that you can do the things you love effortlessly

  • ​​YOUR metabolism can increase, so you’re able to burn more calories efficiently

The regular program normally sells for $497, but If you join today, you’ll save 40%!

Join today for just $297!

The Easiest System...

For Achieving Your Ideal Weight Forever!

Attend the classes and your group hypnosis then listen to your audios before you sleep and let them rewire and recode your subconscious mind so you have a normal healthy relationship with food. 

“I find this effortless…”

 "I find this effortless. I have tried a lot of diets to only gain short-term weight loss. Marsia's audio's, her voice is working slowly but surely. I find myself more focused on what I am eating. l have made many little, painless changes that are beginning to make a big difference. I feel calm about my ability to lose weight."
-Annette O'Higgins

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

See, the mind learns by repetition. 

Playing your recording and affirming and intending your relationship with food and your body is a super effective tool of repetition, allowing your taste buds to change. 

This works very well. 

Here’s what Cherie is saying...

“Finally, something that makes sense and actually works…”

 "Finally, something that makes sense and actually works!! It’s subtle, but I am automatically eating less, feeling better, and slimming down. I am someone who has tried EVERYTHING, and nothing worked until this! Thank you, Marisa!"
-Cherie DiNoia

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Here’s what Rose is saying...

“Utterly amazed at how it works…”

 "Utterly amazed at how it works. I hate going food shopping now. My subconscious has very well and truly kicked in, and the results are very good. I no longer crave sweet things, and I am making healthier choices. Thank you so much."
-Rose Boylan

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Here’s what Dana is saying...

“Best program for my weight, and I’ve tried many…”

 "I think it’s amazing! Best program for my weight, and I’ve tried many! All my life was a struggle, but now it’s a pleasure! Thank you, Marisa!"
-Dana Mitici

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

And here’s what Rena is saying...

“Lost 2.5kg already without struggling…”

 "I've been listening to the recordings for 25 days now and lost 2.5kg already without struggling. The most important thing is not the kilos but the huge difference in my behavior towards food, especially sugar and carbohydrates. Thank you so much, Marisa!"

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Simply listen to these audios before you go to bed at night and let them wash over you, coding your subconscious mind and doing all the work. 

You’ll wake up feeling clear, calm, and lighter while you notice a change in food behavior for the healthier new you. 

You’re going to love this!

Get ready to...

The Ideal Weight Forever Framework™ Works Like Clockwork!

Feel confident knowing you’re on your way towards finally achieving your ideal weight forever.

Each day, you’ll move closer towards the NEW YOU!

Finally, feel free from any hold that food had over you.

It works for busy people.

Imagine finally solving any weight issues you have once and for all. 

“I finally feel free from the burden
that food had over me…”

 "For the first time in my life, I feel free, free from my past as I know what was driving my habits, but more than that, I finally feel free from the burden that food had over me. Looking forward to the continued changes this will have on my life."
-Brett A Peterson

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Meet Sandra, and hear what she’s saying...

“It's amazing how I suddenly am eating properly…”

 "It's amazing how I suddenly am eating properly instead of having cake and coffee for breakfast. I have 130 lbs to lose, and so far, in the second week, I am down 8. That's great for me! I even got up early, went for a walk, and did an online exercise course this morning. Not perfect at the exercises, but good enough. My programming was not that I was ever called "stupid" but that when I did well on tests, I was accused of "cheating." Or put down if I got excited over winning or achieving something. Over time I learned not to do my best. I hope I am able to finally get rid of this inability to do well in all areas. Thanks, Marisa, for getting me back on track."
-Sandra Willbanks

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Meet Ann Marie, and here’s what she’s saying...

“Day 7 of my daily hypnosis, and
it’s working; it’s amazing…”

 "Hi, I’m now onto day 7 of my daily hypnosis, and it’s working; it’s amazing. I have struggled with my weight for many, many years, and I’m your everyday busy person. Having nursed my terminally ill husband for 2 1/2 years, I ate for many reasons. Stress, exhaustion, comfort food, isolation, and loneliness. Food has been “many things to me.” I tried this because it just wasn’t happening for me, no matter how hard I tried. I listened to Marisa and have implemented the changes, and in 5 days had lost 5 lbs. I have a long way to go, but I’m convinced Marisa and her techniques and hypnosis with sensible, matter-of-fact advice have really put me on the right road to solve my weight issue once and for all. It’s easy to purchase, download and use. Highly recommended. All the best."
-Ann Marie Knowles

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

The beauty of the Ideal Weight Forever Framework™ is it works for busy people.

Imagine finally solving any weight issues you have once and for all. 

Your confidence will soar, life opens up, and indeed anything is possible for you.

And guess what...

This Works Regardless Of... 

What You’ve Tried In The Past!

If you’re concerned this might not work for you, don’t be. 

This will work for you whether you want to release an extra 10 Ibs, 30Ibs, or even over 100 Ibs plus.

And, you don’t need any experience at all because I’ll be by your side every step of the way.

Here’s what Allison is saying...

“I can’t say enough about this program…”

 "I can’t say enough about this program. I was at a low point in my life and needed something but didn’t know what. This is exactly what I needed! I have a renewed self-worth, I sleep better, and I have learned a lot about my triggers. I have also learned that I have always been enough; I just couldn’t see it till now. Marissa has become my new best friend! Thank you!"
-Allison Davidson

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Here’s what Christine is saying...

“I already feel lighter, more confident, and happy…”

 "I can highly recommend this course. I already feel lighter, more confident, and happy. Even though I am not constantly hopping on the scales, I really don't need to. I can feel how much looser and softer my skin is. You need this course. I am 100% glad I paid for it well worth the price."
-Christine Roe

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Here’s what Lynn is saying...

“I do feel this is the LAST program
I will have to go through…”

 "Marissa Peer has given me a new perspective from which to start my seemingly constant weight loss journey. I do feel this is the LAST program I will have to go through...since I am sure I will find and keep my perfect weight FOREVER!!!"
-Lynn Rome

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Here’s what Fleur is saying...

“I recently bought it, and I am
already losing weight…”

 "I love this program. I am immediately more conscious of my portion sizes and the types of issues surrounding my emotional eating. I believe that this is what I needed to jumpstart my life changes with my weight. I recently bought it, and I am already losing weight. Thanks."
-Fleur Mc farlane

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

And, here’s what Molly is saying...

“It’s all about reprogramming your subconscious to work for your goals, not against them…”

 "I have always had trouble sticking with a healthy eating plan. Marisa’s hypnotherapy recordings and her down-to-earth approach make the process so much easier! It’s all about reprogramming your subconscious to work for your goals, not against them. Highly recommend!"
-Molly Pittman

*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

Now, it’s time to achieve your ideal weight and keep it off forever with the Ideal Weight Forever Framework™.


 YES Marisa, I'm ready to achieve and maintain my ideal weight!

Here's What You Get When You Join Today...

  8 life-changing Dietless recorded live coaching sessions with me, Marisa

 Weekly Dietless Life recorded live hypnosis sessions

 8 impactful Dietless Life audio downloads

 Dietless Life’s unique approach to increasing your Resting Metabolic Rate

 ​Dietless Life goodie bag including powerful audios, videos, therapy demonstrations, and motivational talks

 Dietless Life exclusive access to my new book, Dietless Life

 Dietless Life Personal Development Workbook, including robust tactics and strategies

 Full Dietless Life support from our friendly team

That’s a total value in excess of $6,000

Only $297!*

The regular program normally sells for $497, but If you join today, you’ll save 40%!


What is the Dietless Life program?

Dietless Life is a program through which Marisa coaches people with frustrating issues around food, weight and body image and uses her unique method to show them how to live a diet-free life. It's very innovative. very different and very powerful - there's nothing on the market like it.

Voted Britain's best therapist twice, Marisa has been one of the top therapists in the UK for many years. Having trained more than 13,000 therapists and coaches, she was also asked to lecture at the Royal College of Medicine in London, where she taught doctors how to get their clients to lose weight. Although some of these doctors were weight loss and obesity specialists, they just couldn't get their patients to lose much weight or maintain any loss.

How is this program different from the thousands of weight loss products on the market?

Marisa has been voted Britain's number one weight loss author, and in this special program, you get to experience first-hand the powerful method she uses with her private clients. It's exciting because diets don't work: diets have an almost 98% failure rate. No one can stay on a diet for more than six weeks. The real problem with dieting is that when a diet fails, people never say the diet failed; they say, "I failed" and "I failed to stick to a diet."

You cannot stick to a diet. So this is an anti-diet program that works. It shows you that staying on a diet makes you addicted to the process of constantly trying new diets. It makes you understand that this is not your fault; you didn't design hideous foods full of fat, sugar, and addictive chemicals.

Why should I join this program?

It gives you freedom and empowerment - the freedom to have a normal relationship with food and reach your ideal body weight. Achieving your ideal weight is important - it's exciting - and finally, it's available to you!

Marisa starts with the premise that overeating is not a behavior we're born with - we learn it. Dietless Life works on the emotional issues that lead to overeating. All eating problems stem from emotions that simply cannot be fixed by logic.

The problem with dieting is that it has a one-size-fits-all mentality that says everyone needs to count calories, and that simply isn't true. The number one reason diets fail is a lack of portable food: people don't leave home without food for their baby, yet they will go out all day and expect Starbucks to feed them. When you learn to carry some food with you, you immediately break that number one habit.

Marisa believes that you can't fix what you don't understand - you can't heal what you don't feel. And when you understand what type of eater you are, you can change it.

Dietless Life uses tools and techniques to show that your thoughts create feelings, your feelings create actions, and your actions create behaviors. Diets focus on changing the actions, not the thoughts, hence the huge failure rate. Dietless Life changes the thoughts that run the actions.

Who is Dietless Life for?

This course is perfect for you if you're looking to reach and maintain your ideal weight. If you don't want to diet anymore and want to fix your relationship with food, this course is for you.

So what does the Dietless Life program do?

It permanently resets your mind and your relationship with food - it rewires you to think differently about food!

When you're in the womb, food is there 24 hours a day. It's like having 24-hour room service. Babies are born believing that food is always there: "I feed when I want to." It's almost impossible to get a baby to overeat - even a one-year-old - because they still have that wiring. Things only change as they get older, when their parents say, "Don't leave that; it's a waste. Do you know how much that cost?"

Did you know that every time you restrict calories, you reduce the likelihood of your diet working? That's because your resting metabolic rate decreases each time you diet, and it doesn't go up again. Then, when you regain and start carrying excess weight, your resting metabolic rate drops further. And this is the damage dieting does to you. More dieting simply can't fix this.

Marisa's proven method of hypnosis can increase your metabolic rate, improve your digestion and change your taste buds, leaving you preferring healthy food all the time. It won't feel restrictive or like hard work.

It does this using a unique three-step process called Coach, Code and Care.

Coach - Marisa will coach you to reach your ideal weight by teaching you how to overcome the pitfalls.

Code - Through a powerful, weekly hypnosis, to help change your weight, shape, size, and your entire relationship with food. Command therapy is used to help improve your digestion and your preferences for food so that your appetite decreases, your weight, shape and size decrease, while your metabolism and motivation increase.

Care - Providing online support to help to increase your chance of success.

Why Hypnosis Gets Phenomenal Results

Have you ever tried to change a habit using your strongest willpower, only to discover a week later that you've fallen back into the same old pattern of behavior?

Hypnosis works by getting to the root cause—digging deeper, to specifically rewire your subconscious mind and change your habits for good.

Most of us aren't aware of what drives our habits and behaviors because of subconscious blocks, so we self-sabotage. Therefore, we continue to run the same patterns repeatedly and get stuck in a rut.

To truly understand our mind, we need to change it at its core. Unless we change at the root, no matter what we try to change at the surface level, we'll always revert to old, familiar patterns of behavior, which, of course, feels very frustrating.

Imagine your mind is like an elastic band: it continues to bounce back to only what it knows. Hypnosis stretches and breaks that 'elastic band' entirely. In other words, when you use your hypnosis audio, your mind will stretch, breaking the old behavior and making a new pathway—a brand new habit.

Hypnosis also gets extraordinary results because it works on our emotional state. Marisa explains that we have a conscious, 'logical' mind' and a subconscious, 'feeling mind.' Our subconscious emotions and feelings will always defeat the logical part of our mind. That's why your hypnosis audio will help reprogram your mind to tackle any fears and blocks your rational (conscious) mind simply cannot reach.

What do I get with the Dietless Life program?

• 8 x life-changing Dietless Life coaching sessions from Marisa.

• 8 x impactful Dietless Life hypnosis audios.

• Dietless Life's unique approach to increasing your resting metabolic rate.

• A Dietless Life goody bag that includes powerful audios, videos, therapy demonstrations, and motivational talks.

• Exclusive access to Marisa's new book, Dietless Life: Your Diet Recovery Blueprint.

• Dietless Life Personal Development Workbooks, including robust tactics and strategies.

• Full Dietless Life support from our friendly team.

Is Dietless Life mine to keep?

Yes, it is! Once you have purchased Dietless Life, it's yours to keep and will stay in your library to revisit at any time.

How long should I spend on Dietless Life?

Dietless Life Live is a somwhat self-paced program. It includes 8 modules, and 8 live calls. Each week you'll get access to a coaching video (an hour or less in length) that you can watch while you're completing your workbook. Each module also comes with a hypnosis audio for you to listen to every day until the next one is released and you switch to that. You can continue to listen to these audios after all of the modules have been released.

Why can't I see all the Dietless Life modules?

Dietless Life Life will begin on January 17th, which is when you'll get access to the first module. Following that, new modules will be available to you every 7 days. Our first live call together will be on January 17th.

How will I get access to Dietless Life?

Once you have purchased Marisa's Dietless Life, you'll be granted access to it in your own personal library, called Kajabi.

What happens if I feel the program's not for me after starting?

We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee if you find that 'Dietless Life' is not for you, all you would need to do is contact our Support Team to arrange a refund: [email protected].

However, we ask that you do try and commit to the course to experience the best resulFull Widthts.



*Results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only, and your personal experience may differ from those shown on this page.

All prices on,, and other Marisa Peer affiliated websites are displayed in US DOLLARS unless otherwise stated at the checkout.

*Results cannot be guaranteed, moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only and your own personal experience may differ from those shown on this site.

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